Internet & IP

Run a first quick Internet access test to check Internet connectivity.

Internet Connection

You can quickly check the mobile connection on the "Modem" and "Internet" sections on the front dashboard.

  • After successfully setting up an Internet connection on the mobile modem:

    • The "Mobile" section displays "Connected" on the status field.

    • The "Internet" section shows IPv4 and gateway obtained from the mobile carrier.


  • Navigate to "Network > Interfaces" and find the first row of the "Mobile" interface to view the IP address, RX TX stream, and connection uptime.


  • Go to "Network > Diagnostics" and use the "IPv4 Ping" tool to check your internet connectivity. When the mobile signal is fair/strong, and there is no internet interruption, the ping tool should return "0% packet loss."

IP Address

The "Internet" section on the front dashboard and the "Mobile" interface under "Network > Interfaces" display the IPv4/6, DNS, and gateway of the mobile internet connection.

Public and Private IP Address

The mobile carrier typically assigns a private IP address for the mobile connection. A private IP does not traverse the Internet and cannot be used for remote access. Check out the IP and DNS tutorials.

Below are the standard formats of private IP addresses:

  • to

  • to

  • to

  • to (Carrier-Grade)

Last updated